Pushpan Pappu, who evangelizes and ministers to Indians around the world, will speak at our 11 a.m. service Sunday, November 18. He recently returned from a trip to India and Eastern Europe.
Pappu updates us on ministry
Norman Reece concludes Colossians series
Norman Reece will teach on Colossians in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, November 11.
Abraham Chacko speaks
Abraham Chacko will speak in the Bible hour on Sunday, November 4.
Bill Davis continues Joshua series
Bill Davis will continue his series on the book of Joshua in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, October 28.
Ian Lordanich speaks
Ian Lordanich will speak in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, October 21.
Dr. Don Tinder continues series on Hebrews
Dr. Don Tinder will continue with the second sermon in his series on the Bible book of Hebrews in the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, October 14. An internationally recognized church history scholar and dean of the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies at Olivet Theological College and Seminary, Tinder has served as associate editor of Christianity Today and earned his doctorate in historical theology from Yale University.
Ofa Fatafehi, missionary in New Zealand and Tonga, visits
Ofa Fatafehi, missionary in New Zealand and Tonga, gave a challenging message on Wednesday, Oct. 10. He discussed Bible passages that speak about how brief life is and the importance of being right with God and living for Him.
Norman Reece continues Colossians series
Norman Reece will teach on Colossians in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, October 7.
Bill Davis continues Joshua series
Bill Davis will continue a series on the book of Joshua in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, September 30.
Anthony Giannetto speaks
Anthony Giannetto will speak in the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, September 23.