Category Archives: Bible Teaching
Christmas Eve morning service
Norman Reece, one of our elders, will give the message in the 11 a.m. service on Christmas Eve morning, Sunday, December 24. Our “corner choir” will also lead us in a medley of Christmas songs.
Dr. Tinder continues Mark series
Dr. Don Tinder will continue with his series on the Gospel of Mark in the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, December 17. An internationally recognized church history scholar and dean of the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies at Olivet Theological College and Seminary, Tinder has served as associate editor … Continue reading
John 17 series concludes
Abraham Chacko will conclude his series on John 17, “The Heartbeat of God, the Heartbeat of the Christian,” in the 11 a.m. Bible hour Sunday, December 10.
Abraham Chacko continues series on John 17: “The Heartbeat of God, the Heartbeat of the Christian”
Abraham Chacko will continue his series on John 17, “The Heartbeat of God, the Heartbeat of the Christian,” in the 11 a.m. Bible hour Sunday, November 19.
Abraham Chacko begins series on John 17
Abraham Chacko will begin a series on John 17 in the 11 a.m. Bible hour Sunday, November 12.
Malcolm Lee to speak
Malcolm Lee will speak in the Bible Hour on Sunday, November 5. He has been involved in the following ministries: board member for Youth for Christ and Child Evangelism Fellowship (1963-1970); Bay Cities Bible Institute (1970-2000); and the Bay Area Rescue Mission (1970-2000). He currently serves as president of Homeless … Continue reading
Romans series continues
Bill Davis will continue his series in the book of Romans for our 11 a.m. service on Sunday, October 29.
Ian Lordanich to speak
Ian Lordanich will speak in the 11 a.m. Bible hour on Sunday, October 22.
Tinder continues teaching in Mark
Dr. Don Tinder will continue with his series on the Gospel of Mark in the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, October 8. An internationally recognized church history scholar and dean of the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies at Olivet Theological College and Seminary, Tinder has served as associate editor … Continue reading
Norman Reece continues study of Colossians
Norman Reece, one of our elders, will continue the study of Colossians in the 11 a.m. Bible hour Sunday, October 1.